Grids/timezone- multiple tests

  1. geography- study of where things are found on earths surface and reason for the locations

  • ask 2 questions
    • where are people/activities on earth
    • why are they found their
  • map- 2 dimensional/ flat scale model of the earths surface ( key two answering previous questions)
    • cartography- art/science of map making
    • two purposes
      • absolute local.- position in degrees, mins, secs of lat. and long. n/s of equator, E/W prime meridian, relative local.-  regional position/ situation of a place relative to others 
      • communication tool to convey the distribution of human activities/physical features 
        • latitude- geo. coordination's- specify the n/s position of a pt. on earth, measured b y imaginary line parallel to equater- measures distanced in degrees N/S of equator, E/W direction
          • significant parallels- lines of lat.  
            • arctic circle-166 degrees 37 min 66.57 n
            • topic of cancer- 23,26,23.43
            • equator- 0 n/s
            • topic of Capricorn- 23,26,23.43 s
            • antarctic circle- 66,34,66.57 
          • extra facts about lat. - cross prime meridian at rt. angles, get shorter towards poles, longest at equator. 


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