Athens struck by plague

Pericles had a plan to make Athens to ruler of the Mediterranean. All Athenians sheltered in close quarters behind city walls while the Spartans burned their farm land. Pericles reassured them and said that we can rely on the supplies brought by our fleets. One year later the fleets brought with them the plague. Because the Athenians were in suck close quarters it spread very quickly. The symptoms include but are not limited to: fever, red inflamed eyes, Diarrhea, and violent ulcers. As some citizens were extremely thirsty they crawled into the city systems and water mains to die. dead bodies littered the streets and people walked around as if they were half dead. This lead to a corruption in morals values and standards. People cared nothing for rule or religion. Why be good is the good and the bad die just the same?  This plague devastated more then one third of Athens population, and after suffering for six months it killed Pericles in 429 BC. Pericles underestimated how many things that will unexpectedly happen that we cannot control or plan for. Without Pericles, a strong democratic leader, Athenian democracy fell apart. Everyone was scrambling to be the leader and was doing whatever the mob of Athenian citizens wanted. Athenian democracy fell into mob rule and they were distracted from the ongoing war outside their gates. Long story short Athens', well who are we kidding, Pericles' plan worked terribly. He did not account for a plague, but i mean who can lame him. Nobody expected us to have Corona virus going around.


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