
Showing posts from June, 2020

Soooo......... Corona Virus

So the corona virus has been going on for a  while. You let school two weeks earlier then everyone else. You have been sheltered inside (You currently love hiding in your room all day so that's normal). We are limited on the amount of food we can buy from the government and do not normally have as many per- made lasting meals made. You decided this is the time to learn to cook and start all meal prepping. It went amazing you can use the oven, oven top, food processor, etc. You made beer batter bread and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! you also have more time to make workouts and well workout. This has been so fun and you have some monumental Gaines in exercise and relating to muscles. You went to the emergency room twice because of an allergic reaction maybe oral we do not know yet. You also had a very mild allergic reaction to cross contaminated food that you just stayed home for. You went to the emergency room again bc. your jaw hurt sooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!! I got and x-ray and an ultraso...