
Showing posts from October, 2019

video leading to a quiz

Hans Rosling :200 yrs in 4 mins life expectancy in 1810 was 40 years and the GDP per capitta was 4000$ infant mortality/maternal mortality dragged the number down bc. some people lived past 40 also sickness like FLU bc. of no vaccines/antibiotics  European countries lead industrial rev. in 1909 t spreads to western countries  asian and african countries are still sick and poor and not part of industrial rev. late 1700s-1800s industrial rev. starts  world war i and Spanish FLU cause a big drop in 1900s 1948- end of world war 2 

population pyramid

Pop. Pyramid men on the left women on right youngest on bottom oldest on top  0-14 pre-reproductive- before able to have kids 15-44 reproductive 45-100+ post reproductive - no kids bigger the base more the pop. grows, if its very small the pop. is decreasing  demographic transition- what age people age and what that means  pre- industrialized- before things are built in your country, developing (RD.'s, gov. hospitals, clean water, buildings, birth control, grocery stores ) just getting the basics, pop. will grow the quickest  industrialized- got the basics down have birth control so pop. is not growing as quick 

after test day

Today we went over our test. We also switched seats, but i go to stay in my spot. I got a one hundred and four on my test.

Test day

Hi! Today we took a test. I did not know the answer for two questions, so i put the same answer for both of then insuring that i get one right. This was an good quiz and i hope my grade goes up a point. I studied for an hour and a half so i think i  did very well on it. This question has brought up a question though. How can the world have a net migration rate, where are they going (mars)? I am going to go bug my brother about this today and get a scientific explanation on it. (This is later in the day: i just looked up all the questions and at most (i hope) i only got two wrong) Bye.

absent day reveiw for test

Hi! I was absent today because I was at a doctors appointment. Bye.

Cia. gov review

We went over the answers of our HW today. Aslo, he told us that our test would be looking up things on for 20 mins and the PP we took notes on. Bye.

CIA. gov intro facts

What is the population of China, and of India?   China- 1.06 male/female (2018 est.), India- 1.08 male(s)/female (2018 est.) What is the Total Fertility Rate in Japan?  1.42 children born/woman (2018 est.) What is the death rate in El Salvador?  5.8 deaths/1,000 population (2018 est.) What percentage of the French identify “none” as their religion? Is this statistic verifiable, and why? 23-28% (2015 est.) It is not bc. France has not collected data on individual religious beliefs since 1872 and a 1978 law prohibits collection of an individual's race, ethnicity, or political, philosophical, or religious opinions. What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in the United States? $59,800 (2017 est.) What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Nigeria? $5,900 (2017 est.) What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Luxembourg? $105,100 (2017 est.) What percentage of the United States’ population are Internet users?  76.2% (July 2016 est.) What is t...

population and settlement day 1

Hi! We hung out for ten mins, and Kensi took role. crude birth rate- number of births per 1000 of the pop. crude death rate - number of deaths per 1000 of the pop.  rate of natural increase (RNI)- Produced by subtracting death rate from the birth rate, gives annual natural growth rate in percentage form for a country/region  immigration ca effect the rate of natural increase Net Migration Rate: the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year an excess of persons entering the country is -net immigration  written as a positive number  example: Canada has 5.65 migrants per 1,000 population, United States: 2.45 (it was 3.62 in 2015) an excess of persons leaving the country is -net emigration written as a negative number  example: Mexico has -1.68 migrants per 1,000 population, -3.61 two years ago, -3.11 last year migration push forces  civil war environmental degradation unemployment or underemploymen...

Women always win in the end

life expectancy ave. life expectancy-  ave. number of yrs. to be lived by a group of people born in the same yr.  high Monaco- 89.52 total 85.63 men 93.58 women  #42 U.S.A 79.68 total men- 77.32 women- 81.97 low chad 49.81 total men- 48.64 women- 51.03 Women have higher life expectancy rates    info missed last blog  Pop and settlement  7.6 bil + people on earth increased by 73+ mil per yr.  by approx. 200,000 per day 8377 per hr. 149 per min 2.5 per sec 90% is in developing countries- Africa, S and E Asia and Latin America 

78 into an 82 like magic (W/ Arguments)

Hi! Today in lass we went over our test. I got a 78 on it, but he gave us two extra questions so i will have a 82. I got all the location problems wrong. My average should go up a point into a comfortable A, and that was pretty awesome. Bye.

(uneventful) Doctors appointment

Hi! I was not in class today because I was at a doctors appointment. Bye.


We had a test in class today. I think failed the tests. I did not get a question right because i did not know how far off we were from San Francisco. I switched parallels and meridians on the test. I HATE THIS TEST. I studied for three hours but this information was not in my notes.  I did not know that lines of latitude were equal distance from the equator. How can they be equal distance from the equator if  on of them is right on top of the equator and another is at the antarctic pole! Also i am going to be out tomorrow so i will not see it if this is given back. I don not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing..

Test review

HI! Today we reviewed over the power point for the test. Mr. Schick pointed out some tested questions, and i found out i did not need to make up a pop quiz. I also, found out that when i emailed him i spelled his name wrong. Bye.

absent AGAIN

I was not in class today because I am sick. Bye.


Hi. I was not in school today bc. I am sick and probably will not be in school tomorrow either. Bye. Daylight savings time some temperate countries use daylight savings for part of the yr., usually by moving a local clock time by an hour spring forward, fall back Sunday March  10,2019  Sunday Nov. 3,2019 the abolishment of daylight savings is a growing movement  test questions  What does UTC stand for -coordinated universal time what does GMT stand for - Greenwich mean time  which cam first  UTC or GMT- GMT what is the definition of geography-  study of where things are found on earths surface and the reasons for the locations what are the two purposes of a map- find absolute and relative local., and as a communication tool to convey the distribution of human activities/physical features what are parallels- lines of latitude  what does a line of latitude measure- distance of degrees n/s of equator  what are meridians - l...


Sorry I forgot to do this yesterday, but I fell asleep. I was very sick, and woke up as i remembered that i forgot to email my teacher. longitude-  (meridians) geographic coordinate, specifies e/w position of a pt. on earth, measured by imaginary lines circling earth, running through poles. measures distance e/w from prime meridian.  prime meridian - passes thro Greenwich, England, 0 degrees longitude, n/s direction measures e/w of prime meridian, farthest  at equator , meet at poles, equal in length time zones - region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, social purposes tend to follow- boundaries of countries bc. of convenience for areas in close commercial communication to keep the same time  earth is 360 degrees divided 360 by 24 timezone's one for each hour of the day =15 degrees, each 15 degree band of long is a standard time zone  UTC (coordinated universal time) - primary time standard by which the world regu...