
Hi. I was not in school today bc. I am sick and probably will not be in school tomorrow either. Bye.

Daylight savings time
  • some temperate countries use daylight savings for part of the yr., usually by moving a local clock time by an hour
    • spring forward, fall back
    • Sunday March  10,2019  Sunday Nov. 3,2019
  • the abolishment of daylight savings is a growing movement 
test questions 

  1. What does UTC stand for -coordinated universal time
  2. what does GMT stand for - Greenwich mean time 
  3. which cam first  UTC or GMT- GMT
  4. what is the definition of geography-  study of where things are found on earths surface and the reasons for the locations
  5. what are the two purposes of a map- find absolute and relative local., and as a communication tool to convey the distribution of human activities/physical features
  6. what are parallels- lines of latitude 
  7. what does a line of latitude measure- distance of degrees n/s of equator 
  8. what are meridians - lines of longitude 
  9. what does a line of longitude measure- e/w position of a pt. on earth 
  10. what is a timezone - region of a globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes 
  11. how many time zones in the world are their- 24+ 1 at degrees longitude 


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