start of GREECE

  1. Much of Greece's original writing systems and seaborne trade was because of the Mycenaean's.  

A ten year war the Mycenaean's fought against troy, called the Trojan war, is the topic of a popular myth thought to be based on real cities.

The Dorians moved into the war torn countryside and their lack of a writing system led to a gap of knowledge between 1150-750 bc, and epics by homer.

Homer was a blind storyteller who told many famous epics including the Iliad.

An epic is a narrative poem celebrating heroic deeds, and because of some epics we have an incite into some history during the writing gap due to the Dorians.  

The Greeks developed myths, or traditional stories about gods, to explain nature, human qualities and emotions, and the power of human passions. 

         2.  I think the Minoans contributed most to Greek culture because they passed on the knowledge and skills of a writing system, sea borne trade, and their culture was painted on Greek pottery. 

          3. Because of Greece's nearness to the sea they could travel by sea to all kinds of places and trade. The spread their culture and took aspects of other cultures into their own when meeting people to trade. The sea and rivers connected to the sea connected all of Greece as well so they could communicate to one another. 

           4. The Mycenaean's adapted the Minoan's writing system, they shared their skill of sea borne trade, and their influence of culture created the core of Greek religious practices, art, politics, and literature.

           5. The epics were important because they provided some historical evidence to what happened during the Dorian people. Instead of the art of writing, which they lost, they could use spoken word to transfer ideas, history, or current events and we can understand parts of what happened during that period of time. 


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