Poetry day :Draconian

by: Elizabeth Paul

They knew it would come.
For it always does.
The dry fridge gusts of wind pulled at them
The normally dewy grass was drying out to its core turning it brown and with every agonizing gust of wing more and more were swept away
It would come soon
It was only a matter of time
it had come many times before leaving a trail of rotting orchids as a reminder
no one was safe
it had come swiftly and patiently
bit by bit it spread through the land devastating all it touched
before long it had unwillingly, and forcefully ingrained itself into the law of the land
no man women or child was safe or ignorant of this being and what came with it
but it was not alone
those that it felt had grand potential were allowed to become it's slaves
They were promised freedom eventually, but once they agreed their souls just like everything else It touched, rotted from the inside out
once you joined it
their was no going back
it's presence had become so well know and feared that they carved stone tablets of the, so called, code of the land warning people of it's existence and what came with it
The day they had been marked would always live in infamy
they had been running all this time
leaving their tainted village in a desperate attempt at peace 
Eventually, though,  it caught up with them
They heard the squish of rotting flesh pound on the dead and dying grass
and the squirming of the maggots that followed
They turned their heads to see the last little bit of  fragile and delicate life mercilessly ripped from orchids that they had never noticed before know
then their was nothing
defining pitch black all around them
no more star light
then they felt cold undefined hands grab them
they new what was coming next
it is what always came next

Hi! this is a poem about the concept of draconian and Draco's code. It is represented by "it" in the story, and those subject to "it" are "they" or "them". I incorporated the aspects of Draco's code by saving death is always the punishment, it had slaves that worked in a sort or dept form, it's punishment came for both men and women equally, and the code was written on stone tablets and hung where villagers and travelers could see.  This was a sort of narrative, descriptive, non-rhyming type of poem. I also exaggerated a lot on the idea of how harsh and terrible the idea of  Draconian is
by describing "it" and what is does like the monster under your bed. As a terrible creature who devastates everything and comes to kill or enslave you. Bye.


  1. This is so vivid, and powerful, and insightful, and creative, I hardly know where to begin. When you get a chance I sure hope you take a Creative Writing class, because you have something special. Thank you for sharing this!


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