First post


  •         The best part of my first day at John Carroll was after 5th period. I went to take a locker break and opened my locker on the first try. That was also the first time I had to go from the first floor to the third. I proved to myself that I could make it from my locker to another floor and not be late for my class. I also over came my fear of going to my locker and got to stop caring a huge load of books that constantly fell. The worst part of my day was when I was standing outside of Mr. Schick's class and my ruler fell out of my math binder. When I reached down to pick it up my book fell, and just when it fell the door closed. I had to crawl through the little area between the door and the wall to get it all while balancing the rest of my books in my other hand.
  •        I do like the seat I was given in class today because it is in the front of the room and there is not a tall person sitting in front of me blocking my sight of the board.  Also I am not by the air condition blasting noise in my ears and blowing cold air on me.  


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