Greeks Excellence

  • agora-  central public space in ancient Greek city states, gathering place, assembly
  • polis- city state form of government, typical structure of a community in the ancient Greek world
  • 508 bc- democracy introduced in Athens, by Cleisthenes- established const. and often called the "Father of Athenian Democracy", one of the great Greek accomplishments
  • Socrates-Greek philosopher, first moral philosopher of west ethical tradition of thought, known by other writers especially his students-Plato,Xenophon, never wrote anything, one of the founders of western philosophy.
  • Socratic Method Also called: method of elechus, - cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals based on asking/answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and draw out ideas and underlying presumptions
  • Death or Socrates- 399 BC stood before a jury accused of refusing to recognize the gods by the state and corrupting the youth, he was found guilty by vote of 280 to 220, he drank poison willingly and died. There was an oil painting of him reaching for the cup of poison and continuing to lecture by a french artist - Jacques Lois David in 1787 in the neoclassic period
  • Idiot in Greek-apathetic, uneducated and ignorant person who only deals with personal affairs and neglects his responsibility to deal with political affairs as well 


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