Second post 9/4/19

       The worst part about high school is having to shift gears each time you move to a different class room. Also, you need to balance your school work, practices, clubs, and out of school activities.  You need to learn to manage your time well and not procrastinate on your school work. You need to find the little moments in time to take a breather and relax from all the school work and let your brain rest even if it is just for two minutes.


  • We talked about 7 paragraphs of an essay written in 1899 that was published into a book used to motivate workers who have been slacking. 
  • The essay takes place during the Spanish American war in Cuba.
  • The writer, Elbert Hubbard also talks about this man called Rowan who is given a letter to deliver to Garcia and does not ask where he is or anything, but goes through many obstacles and delivers the letter.
  • This symbolizes how  people need to get out into the world, grow a backbone, and make a difference. They need to just get there work done, no procrastination, laziness, or stupidity just do it. 
  • We talked about how the phrase I have to deliver a message to Garcia means I need to get this done know, get out of my way I have no time for this small talk. 
  • Elbert Hubbard also touches on the point that back then (and still know) people are stupid, and would rather procrastinate or pay other people to do there work for them. There are many Garcia's or lazy people in this world. 
  • If people refuse to do this task for themselves it is going to be terrible when they need to do it for a group or to benefit the greater good.
  • In jobs the people who cannot carry a message to Garcia will be fired, but the ones who can will thrive. The people just asking for help will not make it, but be squashed like a bug and employers will be blamed when it is the workers fault.
  • the writer feels bad for the people who can do it and are treated badly and becoming workaholics those are the ones he feels need sympathy not the ones who look for jobs and are disregarded because they cant deliver there messages. 


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