demographic transition videos

  • khan academy 
    • Religion influences the size of a family because this promotes more people to be in the faith., and encourages stronger community.
    • In stage one of the demographic model people have high birth rates because children work, and do not have contraceptives/cant use them. 
    • countries move into stage two of the demographic model bc. there is more food available.
    • in stage three child births decrease bc. children cannot work anymore and have to go to school.
  • Kim smith 
    • In the first stage women were defined by the number of children they had (esp. boys).
    • As gender roles changed girls were allowed to go to school and have jobs and did not want to have kids (they were expensive).
    • demographic trap- they country will not transition but get trapped without enough resources for the people they have.
  • Why population grows and demographic transition 
    • doubling time/growth rate = pop. growth 
    • In European countries the only thing stopping a decrease in pop. bc. women are having less kids is migration.
    • boiling water, health system improvements, hygiene improvements,  a water collecting/filtering system, collecting garbage, improved food production/storage, invention of refrigeration, agricultural move, genetically modified crops, tractor instead of horse and plow, improved food transportation = lower death, and infant mortality rates in stage 2
    • Stage 5- negative pop. TFR lower then 2.1 but immigration helps maintain pop. and effects are not seen yet bc. demographic momentum.
    • Demographic momentum=most of pop. is in child bearing age even if TFR is low will be generations before number of deaths surpasses number of births. 

           The third video (Why population grows and demographic transition) was the most helpful to me because it was the most insightful. It cover all 4 stages of the demographic model and added the 5th stage in as a bonus. It gave the definition of almost ever word related to the topic, and refreshed my memory on the ones I had forgotten. It did not only include the information found on the text book papers you gave us, like the first vid.. The vid. introduced us to more information while tying it back to things we already learned and understood. That made the knew information more easy to understand and comprehend. 


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