Quiz review cont.


  • citizens could participate - but only one-fifth of Athenians were citizens (free adult male property owners born in Athens)
  • after several years, Athens practiced a direct democracy

Direct democracy 
  • it’s where the state (or in this case, the city-state) is ruled by its citizens
  • rule is based on citizenship
  • majority rule decides vote
  • in the agora, citizens argued, made speeches, then voted with white stones (yes) / black stones (no)
  • it was first practiced in Athens under Cleisthenes by around 500 BCE
Isagorus and Cleistenes 
  • Isagoras becomes archon eponymous (tyrant)
  • He ostracizes Cleisthenes 
  • Cleisthenes’ supporters - and the ordinary Athenian citizens! - revolt against Isagoras’ tyranny
  • they trap Isagoras on the acropolis for two days - on the third day he fled and was banished
  • with Hippias gone, Isagoras and Cleisthenes (both were aristocrats - surprise!) engaged in a power struggle
  • Isagoras had support from some fellow aristocrats, plus from Sparta
  • Cleisthenes had support of the majority of Athenians
  • Hippias was a tyrant who ruled from 527 to 510 BCE
  • his brother was murdered, and his rule became harsh
  • eventually he was expelled from Athens (this is called being ostracized)
  • in revenge, he began working with the Persian king Darius I, helping them invade Marathon


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