
         Pericles had three goals: to build up Athens democracy, maintain control over while still improving the Athenian empire, and to give praise to Athens. As a part of one of his goals he build the Parthenon, a huge temple to glorify the city-states patron goddess Athena. direct democracy was run by the citizens without representatives to speak for them in Athens. Athenian citizens (white adult males who owed property) gave speeches at the agora to try and persuade people to vote for their idea. They voted using white and black rocks. All the citizens involved in the voting and speech giving in the agora made all important political decisions. The Delian league was formed after Persia's defeat. It was an alliance of Greek city-states lead by Athens. They had a treasury where they could put each city-states money together. They voted on where their money would be spent when they held congress, but Pericles eventually took it over and used most of the money from the treasury for Athens. He treated the cit-states in the league as part of his empire, and he was allowed to be his army. ironically he used the money from the treasury to build up his military and navy as well as to beautify Athens.


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