Darius, Philip, and Alexander

Darius was born too Arsames of Ostanes and Sisygambis. He was born in 381 BC and lived until July 330 BC. Darius III also know as Codommanus was a Persian king who reigned from 336-330 BC. He was the last king of the Achaemenid dynasty. He was in the collateral part of the family. He was declared king by the confidential Minister of the previous king of Persia. The minister has killed the last two kings of Persia, Artaxerxes III and Arses. When Darius became independent from the minister attempted to kill Darius, but Darius tricked him into drinking the poison the minister had intended for him.  Philip II created the League of Corinth to liberate Greek city-states from Achaemenid rule in 336, he sent a group of militia to into Asia Minor. In July he was killed possibly by Darius's command. Alexander the Great Defeated Darius easily at the Grancis because he did not make any preparations for the upcoming interaction. Darius tried to fight back against Alaxander and his armies, but to o avail. He was, once and for all, defeated at Issus. Darius retreated from the battle and left his mother, wife, and children. He sent Alexander a letter asking for friendship, but most likely begging because Alexander was a powerful enemy due to how much he had concurred. Darius' second letter had a large amount of money to pay for his families ransom, and he also offered all the Achaemenid Empire west of the Euphrates River, and his daughter to be Alexanders wife in order to achieve an alliance. Alexander refused all attempts for an alliance with Darius and marched into Mesopotamia. Darius did not attempt to stop Alexander from crossing of the Euphrates and Tigris but Prepared to battle him at Gaugamela. On Oct. 1, 331,  Darius was swiftly defeated, and again turned ran from Alexander leaving his subordinates to continue the fight. He era to Ecbatana, and when hre eard new of Alexanders approach continued running toward Bactria. Before he could make it their  he was killed by the Bactrian satrap Bessus.

Philip II of Macedonia was the son of King Amyntas III and Eurydice. He was born either 382 or 382 BC. and died 336 BC. He became Macedonia's king in 357 BC. He was especially knowledgeable in military skills and political tactics. He learned about military tactics when he spent three years as a hostage in Thebes. He learned his military strategy from a well respected general named  Epaminondas. He used these learned skills to expand his country and its culture. By the end of his life he had concurred almost all of the surrounding Greek city states. Philip used other strategies besides war to expand his rule. He Married daughters of powerful rules to avoid a fight while still expanding his country. He did however fight many battles and was able to form the  he was able to form the League of Corinth in 337 BC. This brought must Greek city-states into an alliance dependent on Philip. After going through so many battles Philip was left with a blind eye thanks to an arrow, and a limp. Philip's big goal was to concur Persia and convince the League of Corinth to approve this campaign. While waiting for the preparations to be made Philip participated in a moving on ceremony in Aegae July 336. He was murdered by his body guard Pausanias and was about 46 when he died. The reason for his assassination is unknown, but one strong possibility is that the Persian kind Darius III put him up to it.

Philip II left behind and heir to the throne with Olympia; their son Alexander. He was born on July 20, 356 B.C., in Pella, Macedonia.  He reigned as king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. As a child Alexander was tutored by the philosopher Aristotle. He was tutored by Aristotle for three years, and taught about philosophy, poetry, drama, science and politics. Alexander completed his educationin 340 B.C. One year later he became a soldier and got involved in his first military campaign. He fought against the Thracian tribes. Alexander took control of Companion Cavalry and fought besides his father in a battle against the Athenian and Theban armies. Philip married Cleopatra Eurydice,  and drove Alexander's mother, Olympia out of her position. Alexander and Olympia had to leave Macedonia for their own safety. When Philip was assassinated at his daughters wedding, Alexander persuaded the Macedonian armies to side with him against Cleopatra. The memebers of the Macedonian army put Alexander on the throne and killed any other possible heirs to it. Alexander's mother murdered Philip and Cleopatra's daughter to ensure her sons rule, and this drove cleopatra to commit suicide. Alexander took control of the Corinthian League, coercing some city states into accepting him as leader.  On Alexanders conquests to concour as much land as he could he encountered the Persian king Darius III, and easily completed his fathers goal. He easily defeated the Persian army in that battle. They later battled again and even thought Alexander's army was outnumbered he defeated the Persians once again, but this time Darius was forced to run away. 333 BC. Alexander became the king of Persia and captured Darius. In the end he had concurred  Persia, Babylon and Asia, and created Macedonian colonies in the region. Alexander died of malaria in Babylon on June 13, 323 B.C.


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