social issues involving school essay

Due to the corona virus outbreak everyone has to stay home as much as possible and just recently their has been a shelter in place order from the governor of Maryland. We have to participate in online learning that involves a lot of writing and reading from both the teachers and students. The people who do not like, or are not good at reading or writing are struggling the most, but this is also a chance for them to improve their capabilities and maybe find a subject or topic they actually like reading or writing about. for those people who like reading and writing (like me) may be finding school easier then it used to be sense it centers around one of their academic strengths. Because of the reading and writing focus the over all workload for both the teachers and students has increased. Sense we cannot tell our teachers the answers or physically show it to them we have to write it out, o find a way to send a copy digitally. Those people who are not good with technology or are having issues with it may not have ways to fix sense most IT places have been shut down. Their education may halt for an hour, a day, a week and so on. Their grades may also suffer due to the education halt. The increased work load can seem more stressful to some people, but for me i do not really feel much of a work increase sense i like to read and write and can get those done quicker then some of the other things that we do in class. When we have issues with our school work we can normally have direct verbal access to our teacher to ask them to explain, but know we need to try and explain our confusion over email or teams. Sometimes it is hard to explain a problem we are having, or we need a visual to go along with our question, and we could send a picture but some visuals cannot be sent with a picture. Teachers and students alike cannot see each others facial expressions or voice tones when asking or answering questions, so teachers do not know exactly how confused students are or if they are lying. Teachers usually say their are no stupid question, but very rare questions even students know are stupid. Students do not know if they have asked a stupid question or if they have obviously missed something important.  We also do not have teachers to ask us those thought provoking questions that can lead us to the answer when we are stuck on something. When students and teachers email or send on teams it they never know when they will get a response back, or when the other will look at the email. In my experience teachers have been responding very quickly to my questions most of the time and I have responded to teachers quickly most of the time. There have been a few times where i have not responded to a message for a day or two but those instances have been very rare. Students need to spend more time teaching themselves material and in turn taking ownership for learning that material. We need to budget our time and avoid a lot of distractions that normally do not occur at school. Even though we do not have the distraction of talking to each other we have the distractions of, TV, texting, phones (more then usual), going to sleep, talking to family, going outside, our hobbies, ect. I am used to being absent often and in turn i am very used to teaching myself. I actually find many things easier if i learn it in a way that i am a hundred percent sure i will understand.  I also have a family members that are all good at different subjects and are more then willing to help me with anything i have trouble with. Some people may not be used to teaching themselves things. They could go through a  grueling trial of process and error that could lead to a falling grade and or cheating. We also cannot blame a bad grade on a teacher who "did not teach the lesson right" or something. We have more responsibility of our education then ever before and that means more mistakes failed work will be put on us. Their is also a good part about that too, some people could feel more pride then ever over their good grades sense we are doing a lot more work without teachers to help. With the feeling of pride we could be more likely to work harder on our grades to keep them up.  Like is previously mentioned students have much more ability to cheat, plagiarize, or copy answers from the internet, their notes, or other students to lesson their work load or pass a test they may fail otherwise. In the comfort of our homes we have no repercussions or second though when it comes to cheating, as long as the work is correct and done. Even though teachers could give us a zero for an assignment their are no physical consequences. We do not get a detention or the embarrassment of being called not Mr. Ireton's office. We only have the least harsh and most harsh punishments available, being expelled or having a zero. Even the best students will be tempted to cheat if they get too stressed about work load, but if they have not being staying on task while at home the stress might be what they need to push them back into a some order of doing work. It might be a shock they need to tell them that this is actually important, and i need to do it to pass my class. One the other side of the campus teachers may be tempted to take short cuts and just glance over the work we have turned in instead or reading over it thoroughly like they do at school. from a students perspective i think this is both good and bad in different situations. When we have submitted an assignment we just did while we were sleep deprived because we had no time or something when teachers glance over our work it would be good for us because they will most likely not notice some mistakes, but if we submit an assignment we worked really hard on, took us a long time, and we are proud of it is just a discouragement when teacher do not put in the same amount of effort. teachers will have to adapt to not being able to ask students direct questions like if they understand things, or if this way of teaching is effective for them. They also cannot give out traditional quizzes and tests. Instead they are giving open note tests and quizes and have to be able to put in some questions not directly from our notes. They have to make logical thinking questions that allow students to put to use the things they have learned. The kinds of questions you cannot understand without a general concept of the lesson or topic cover.  Connecting the two issues of questions and assessments teachers cannot answer questions about test, and find out if something was not, over all, too hard for a class. When students get stressed about a hard test they could cheat an that would prevent the teacher from assessing whether the students understand the lesson covered. Teachers have to find new ways of communicating with their students on subjects or difficulties that would normally come up randomly in class.



  1. Wow! Wow wow wow! What an epic response! Here are a few thoughts:

    Please know you don't have to spend two hours doing a single blog.

    You are a very good writer. You may be the reincarnation of Homer.

    You think things through, and are very thorough. I would encourage you to dial it down, and be more concise. Sometimes less is more!

    I am not saying these things to discourage you; rather, to keep you sane in cyber school by freeing you up for other (non-school) activities you need in terms of self-care.

    Undeniably, great work and superhuman effort!


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