
What were Aristotle's, Plato's, and Socrates's best and worst ideas and what effects do they have on modern society?

1st Paragraph- Introduce Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. Talk about Socrates main subject of asking questions to provoke thinking, and his arrogance.  Plato as a great political theorist and his flawed view of the ideal society. Finally Aristotle's connections with science, and his ideas of the souls.

2nd paragraph- Plato, his good ideas of  importance of reason, the allegory of the cave, How the forms  pushed people to be the best of themselves, and his thought that women were equal able to rule in his perfect society, how he was a founder of political science and a great political theorist.  For his bad ideas you would say how he thought a women's womb was a living thing, women were less important then children, His three sections of the perfect society and the noble lie told to get everyone to believe in their sections and how the world was composed of perfectly shaped elements trying to reach their original form. The effects on current day is in our politics, equality, and striving for success and to be the best of ourselves, but also in the propaganda in some countries and dictators using Plato's speeches and ideas of propaganda to get their point across. 

3rd paragraph- Aristotle. His good ideas include: scientific method, philosophical virtues, rhetoric, how planets moved in circular motion,  Athens as an intellectual destination, cooperative research building on knowledge from around the world, logic, ethics, motion, physics, biology, poetry, politics, and theater and metaphysics. His bad ideas would include pushing Alexander the great to be the conqueror he was, life souls and arrangement of things from simplest to most complex based on souls putting men above women. Today we have much more ideas of ethics, physics, and the scientific method, rhetoric biology, logic, because of Aristotle, but for many years men were considered higher then women and the souls theory did not help. Also we become more arrogant because we think we are the best animals on the planet but in reality many wild animals can easily kill us.

4th paragraph- Socrates. Socrates pushed the youth of Athens to question everything around them and fostered the idea of critical thinking. He did this by saying he was ignorant on the subject and that is called Socratic ignorance know. He looked to science and logic rather then to the gods. He questioned everything in Athens including their democracy and encouraged thinking and arguing to the youth. Socrates alone stood up for events he did not think were okay and was a model of how looks do not matter all that matters is the mind. He started inquiring and eventually lead Athens to build empires of thought. His bad ideas included being arrogant at his trial and demanding free diners for all his work and insulting Athenians calling them a lazy horse, later he refused to escape his death and he would show influential people how ignorant in their skill they really are but in a way those are both good and a bad thing. Today we believe in asking questions, Socratic ignorance, and thinking for yourself in order to draw your own conclusions about things.

5th paragraph- Talk about each philosophers biggest hits and misses and end with their greatest impacts on the world today. 


  1. This paper is going to be epic. My only concern is... PLEASE don't spend hours and hours writing it, especially at the expense of your other classes! Think of this as an essay that you would have written during a class period at school (but with the benefit of doing some research ahead of time). Deal?


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