
The two kinds of Dramas were a tragedy and a comedy. A tragedy was a serious play about with themes like love, hate, war, or betrayal. They had featured a main character, or tragic hero who was an important person and often gifted with extraordinary abilities, but also a weakness. Their weakness was a tragic flaw and it normally caused the hero’s downfall. Most of the tie the flaw was hubris, or excessive pride. The other type of drama was a comedy, and a comedy is a play with scenes filled with clumsy, or embarrassing situations and crude humor. Playwrights made fun
of politics, important people, and popular ideas or subjects during the present time.

 I was in a play during middle school and like Greek plays we had colorful costumes, masks, and sets made by students, teachers, and adult volunteers. Wealthy citizens took on the cost of producing the plays, but in my play our non extremely wealthy drama teacher produced they play. Unlike in Greece we had the same teacher put on the plays each year. I went to a very Religious school so every play we put on had some symbolism, or lesson involving God and they had other important lessons and themes along with God. Kind of like our play the Greeks put on plays about leadership, justice, and the duties owed to the gods. The Greeks plays also had a chorus that danced, sang, and recited poetry, but we had a group of people called the ensemble that only danced and sang. Finally, like the Greeks at our school we put on tragedies and comedy, but the play I was in was a hopeful tragedy that know as i am thinking about it may not have been a tragedy.

ancient Greek Theatre" Amphitheatre Images, Stock Photos & Vectors ...
This is an amphitheater that is a an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators, used for  dramatic or sporting events in Greece or Rome. It is designed to carry sound throughout the entire theater. Underground rooms below the arena floor were used to hide people, animals, and props until they were needed in the spectacles. Emperor Augustus established rules so slaves and free persons, children and adults, rich and poor, soldiers and civilians, single and married men were seated separately. That also meant that between those separations their was an even bigger one; men and women were separated. The front row with more comfortable seats was reserved for the local senatorial class.and the further back rows were for middle and lowest classes. 


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