12 tables

The twelve tables were essentially just written tablets or tables of law. The wood later turned into bronze to make sure it lasted. The were written law that the Plebeians demanded from the Patricians because the Patrician officials had bullied them out of some of their rights. The patrician officials just decided to interpret the laws in a way that suited them best. in 451 BC. ten officials started to write down the laws and once they were carved they were placed in the forum for all to see. In order to get those laws the Plebeians first had to protest Rom by leaving the city and refusing to take up arms as enemy armies approached. This is what sparked the tribune of of the Plebeians made up of only Plebeian magistrates who could propose legislation, intervene in legal matters,  and veto other actions of magistrates. This is what allowed them to command the writing down of laws officially. The 12 tables were of customary laws that reflected rural (upper class) aspects of people in government. he laws cover the widths of roads all the way to the death penalty. As time went on the tablets were changed and added to relating to the Roman republic. The text of the laws written on the 12 tables included three part: the preamble, main text, and Sanctio (penalties for breaking the law).  The laws were passed by going through three assemblies: centurion assembly that covered high elections, the tribal assembly that covered lower elections, and the Plebeian assembly that covered only matters involving the lower class. The law was introduced in the senate, then to the people who would meet and discuss it, next tribal assembly would vote with only adult white males (their were more upper class r rural tribes so they would win), then the senate would bless the law, and it would be inscribed on marble or bronze tablets and pt in the treasury. The borders of Rome soon grew and the laws became more complex and disorganized and did not have many laws on what to do with the actual non citizens and later foreigners. Jurists were later brought in as modern day lawyers to help deal with the confusion. They studied the law and gave their opinion on certain matters, and would draft legal documents to try and help. Later the government and way or passing laws would fall apart but be put back together with a new ruler who would then take it apart an become a hidden dictator, but that is not the focus of this assignment. The 12 tables would be used as basis for laws in the future and established the idea that every free Roman citizen had a right to the protection of the law. Even through these laws were anything but black and white and simple they would be the foundation of all Roman law to come and were the first written law in Rome.


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