
Showing posts from February, 2020

Greece quiz part 1

Today we took the Greece test part 1 and i think i did amazing and i studied for two days for a total of 4 hrs. I wrote a lot for the last two questions. :) HaHa.

Quiz review cont.

Cleistenes citizens could participate - but only one-fifth of Athenians were citizens (free adult male property owners born in Athens) after several years, Athens practiced a direct democracy Direct democracy  it’s where the state (or in this case, the city-state) is ruled by its citizens rule is based on citizenship majority rule decides vote in the agora, citizens argued, made speeches, then voted with white stones (yes) / black stones (no) it was first practiced in Athens under Cleisthenes by around 500 BCE Isagorus and Cleistenes  Isagoras becomes archon eponymous (tyrant) He ostracizes Cleisthenes  Cleisthenes’ supporters - and the ordinary Athenian citizens! - revolt against Isagoras’ tyranny they trap Isagoras on the acropolis for two days - on the third day he fled and was banished with Hippias gone, Isagoras and Cleisthenes (both were aristocrats - surprise!) engaged in a power struggle Isagoras had support from some fellow aristocra...

quiz review

Hi! Today we went over the power point and what we would need to know for our Greece quiz part one, and took some more notes.

pop quiz

Today we took a pop quiz and i got a 100

Greece cont.

Homer cont. the “Homeric question” - Homer may have been a mythical creation himself a blind wandering minstrel; an heroic figure Iliad and Odyssey may be the culmination of many generations of storytelling or…Homer actually existed and he was just that awesome I forgot to post this yesterday vocab polis: fundamental political unit, made up of a city and the surrounding countryside politics (affairs of the cities), policy, political, etc. monarchy: rule by a single person (a king, in Greece) aristocracy: rule by a small group of noble, very rich, landowning families oligarchy: wealthy groups, dissatisfied with aristocratic rule, who seized power (often with military help) tyrant: powerful individual who seized control by appealing to the common people for support  During the seventh and sixth centuries BCE, aristocrats ran the show in most of Greec Aristocrats Aristocrats: members of the ruling class they attended symposiums, meetings where the eli...

Greece notes cont.

Mycenaean's their influence began around 2000 BCE Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge on Peloponnesus,  protected by a 20-foot thick wall Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1100 BCE - controlled trade in the region 1400 BCE-  Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture (writing system, language, art, politics, literature, religion) Trojan war  Greeks have fought in many wars over time Trojan War - fought around 1200 BCE part of Greek mythology - until the 19th cent. most historians thought it was fictional because gods and goddesses got involved  the goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera were given the “apple of discord” Paris judged Aphrodite as “the fairest” Aphrodite made Helen (who was married) fall in love with Paris, who took her back to Troy sure… except a war was really fought in Troy! so…? Dorian's  around 1200 BCE the mysterious “sea people” began to invade Mycenae, and burnt palace after palace so, the...

Video of the Socratic method and the allegory of the cave

Today in class we used the Socratic method to go over a 6 minute video. The 6 minute video turned into a 40 minute video because we continuously asked questions to get us to think of solutions and ideas. 

Greece power point pt one

great civilization / key river Mesopotamia / Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Egypt / Nile River India / Indus River China / Huang He River be able to identify the following: Aegean Sea Ionian Sea Adriatic Sea (it’s just north of the Ionian Sea) Peloponnesus Athens Sparta Crete Asia Minor Macedonia Geography  Greece is a mountainous peninsula mountains cover three-quarters of Greece approximately 2000 islands in the Ionian and Aegean Seas this combination shaped Greece’s culture they had many skilled sailors and shipbuilders also farmers, metalworkers, weavers, potters they had poor / limited natural resources, so they needed to trade it was difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because of the terrain they developed small, independent communities (city-states)  that’s who they were loyal to although fertile valleys cover one quarter of the peninsula, only about 20% is arable (suitable for farming) • Greek diet consists of g...

Plato's allegory of the cave

People shackled in a cave that cant see any other direction but forwards are shown shadows each day by people walking by (some that talk) and play games about what hey are and what comes next. They are all freed from the shackles eventually, but decide to stay inside of the knowing. One day one of them is dragged out of the cave and enlightened, but every step of the way is complete pain. He id dragged out and first sees more shadows and explanations of whet they are. Then reflections of the sun in the water and next the sun, but it is easier at night with the light of the stars and moon. The person then decides to return to the cave, but his eyes are ruined and are filled with black instead of being adjusted. He cant see the shadows and is ridiculed because of it. Then the guy who dragged him out of the cave comes for everyone else, but they see him as a threat and kill him. This is about change and how painful it can be, but this is also about the "savior" of the shackled...

start of GREECE

Much of Greece's original writing systems and seaborne trade was because of the Mycenaean's.   A ten year war the Mycenaean's fought against troy, called the Trojan war, is the topic of a popular myth thought to be based on real cities. The Dorians moved into the war torn countryside and their lack of a writing system led to a gap of knowledge between 1150-750 bc, and epics by homer. Homer was a blind storyteller who told many famous epics including the Iliad. An epic is a narrative poem celebrating heroic deeds, and because of some epics we have an incite into some history during the writing gap due to the Dorians.   The Greeks developed myths, or traditional stories about gods, to explain nature, human qualities and emotions, and the power of human passions.           2.  I think the Minoans contributed most to Greek culture because they passed on the knowledge and skills of a writing system, sea borne tr...

Egypt quiz

Today we took the Egypt quiz. I am so happy i got a 100. I looked up a pdf file of the chapter so i could read it the day before and take notes on any possible extra questions. Apparently that helped bc. i got a 100 :):):):):):). I had to change my tactic bc. last test i got an 89.

quiz review

Today we watched a mummification video. Aslo we reviewed the textbook and and slideshow to review for our test tomorrow. 

pop quiz :(

Today we continued on notes. People also made up their tests. We took a pop quiz. I liked that pop quiz I think I did well. Never mind. I looked up the answers at best i got an 85. This is not a good start to the quarter. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

makeup day

The Nile and the “Two Lands” Upper Egypt was a 500 mile long strip of fertile land along the Nile Lower Egypt was the wide land of the Nile delta, emptying into the Mediterranean Sea The Nile was the major provider of life for the Egyptians and was much revered in lore and writing around 3100 B.C. the two lands were united under a single king or “pharaoh” (Narmer, AKA Menes) Government by a God-King Pharaoh was all powerful, worshipped as a god, and intimately connected to the other major Egyptian gods and goddesses Egyptians relied on a harmony and balance of the universe, which they called “maat” (personified by the goddess Maat; ideological opposite of goddess Isfet) Pharaohs had multiple wives, and all routes to financial and social success were through the palace Women could inherit money and land and divorce their husbands, though only a tiny few ever wielded real political power Gods, Humans, and Everlasting Life Gods were often portrayed with animal heads or...